Paris Region Facts and Figures 2022
Paris Region Facts and Figures 2022 lays out a panorama of the Region’s economic dynamism and social life, positioning it among the leading regions in Europe and worldwide. The figures take into account the impact of the COVID-19 health crisis for some data.
- Paris Region accounts for 18.3% of the French population and 30.7% of the national wealth.
- It ranks #1 worldwide for investments in Life Sciences, driven by the attractiveness of Saclay, Genopole and Biocitech, and #1 worldwide for investments in R&D centers as well.
- Paris Region has overtaken London and is now #2 for investments in the financial services sector. It is second in cultural interaction, livability and accessibility.
- In one year, Paris has moved up from 14th to 4th place in the ranking that identifies cities combining economic dynamism, excellent universities, forward-thinking environmental policies and excellent transport infrastructure.
- Home to 1.1 million businesses and to the widest real estate market in Europe, Paris Region is Europe’s highest concentration of Fortune 500 corporations.
- Paris Region is the top French region in terms of hosting foreign companies and accounts for a third of all new business creations in France (16,500 sites depend on a foreign company representing 1 out of 6 jobs in the Paris area).
- Easy to access with 3 international airports and 7 TGV high-speed train stations, Paris Region connects to all of the world's major economic centers. As the region prepares to host the 2024 Olympic Games, several major public infrastructure projects are underway and will be constructed by 2030, including the Grand Paris Express.
- 25 million inhabitants within a 200-kilometer radius, Paris Region is the leading importing (27% of imports) and exporting (20% of exports) region in France.
- With approximately 700,000 sq m of floor space, it offers the richest and most varied range of reception facilities for business events in Europe.
- A top business destination, Paris Region also offers an unbeatable and affordable quality of life through Culture, architecture, history, parks, gastronomy, shopping, sports and so on. It aims to offer its citizens a breathable and greener environment through sustainable and carbon-free urban planning.
Paris Region Facts and Figures 2022 is a collaborative publication produced by Choose Paris Region, L’Institut Paris Region, and the Paris Île-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
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