World Urban Forum

Abu Dhabi - 8-13 February 2020

08 February 2020ContactÉric Huybrechts

The Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF 10) will be held from 8-13 February 2020 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This will be the first time that an Arab country will host the world’s most important conference on cities and human settlements. The theme of the Tenth Session is Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation.

L'Institut Paris Region, represented by Éric Huybrechts, senior architect and urban/regional planner, will take part in several events and meetings during the tenth World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi.


  • 9 February 12:30: Résilience, Partenariat Français Ville et Territoires, Dialogue, Pavillon France
  • 9 February 14:00: Beyond the Metropolis, MTPA/UN-Habitat/ISOCARP Networking event, Hall 3, Room 13
  • 10 February 9:00-12h00: Planners for Climate Action Training event, CS5, Capital suite, 1st floor
  • 10 February 14:45: pitch Les villes changent le monde, Pavillon France
  • 11 February 14:00: Mobilizing arts, culture and heritage for transformative climate action in cities and their territories: ICOMOS-Climate Heritage Network
  • 12 February 16:30: Habitat Professional Forum Round Table


  • 8 February: MetroHub on State of Metropolis
  • 8 February: Metropolitan and territorial planning Agencies global network, signature MoU MTPA/UN-Habitat
  • 8 February: Planners for Climate Action
  • 9 February: ISOCARP
  • 10 February: ICOMOS/Climate Heritage Network
  • 11 February: Habitat Professional Forum
  • 12 February: World Urban Campaign


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