The river, a system, territories, players

Cahiers, no. 141

27 June 2004Contact

The river has played a major role in shaping the image of Ile-de-France: its landscapes, its human settlements, its rural and urban economies.

At a time when the future of Ile-de-France for the coming decades is going to be mapped out, the river provides a basis for outlining the challenges that we face today:

  • Territorial challenges through the diversity and overlapping of scales, from local to inter-regional.
  • The transverse challenges that exist between economic, environmental, human and spatial issues.
  • Challenges with respect to governance within the context of the multitude of players mobilised by the river, players who have to come together to implement joint projects.

By looking at the river, we are able to transcend purely sectorial or administrative approaches and consider the planning operation in the light of what new elements it must bring in terms of concepts and processes, its integrating role in terms of thinking and development potential and its mobilising role for players and projects.

By examining the river from four different angles - a component of the metropolitan ecosystem, a vector for movement and development, a major axis for urban renewal and a vehicle for regional identity - this issue of Les Cahiers intends to demonstrate the wealth of opportunities created by this type of transverse approach.

In so doing, Les Cahiers aim to contribute to the shared construction of a project for Ile-de-France, initiated by Ile-de-France Regional Council as part of the review of its urban development plan.

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