Corporate real estate

Cahiers, no. 145

31 October 2006Contact

Aware of the importance of the strategic role of businesses as partners in urban planning, the Regional Council is bringing their representatives into the thinking process for drawing up the regional economic development plan. It is essential for the economic players, and in particular the players in the business property market, to be considered as dynamic vectors of urban supply.

These players contribute to narrowing disparities between the various territories of the region, which is a central part of the Paris Region Master Plan, by facilitating creation of wealth, of jobs, and of territorial identity.

For the metropolises of Western Europe, the challenge today is to reclassify industrial property sites, to reclaim brownfield and wasteland sites, and to design new districts and neighbourhoods that comply with the requirements of urban density, of mixed-use, and of sustainable development.

The Regional Council intends to meet the three requirements of improving the quality of life and the mobility of its residents, of being watchful to ensure that land resources are used sparingly and sustainably, and of developing the architectural, environmental, and landscape quality of business property.

Resources management requires approaches that are negotiated between the public and the private, and between the regulatory and the voluntary. It is also necessary to enable craftspeople and tradespeople, who are players in social cohesion, to remain in the dense areas, where property prices have risen sharply.

Working with the players from the economic sector, IAURIF gives a diagnostic on the changes and trends, and assists the Regional Council in defining its policies. Alongside the drawing up of the Paris Region Master Plan (SDRIF) and of the Paris Region Economic Development Plan (SRDE), this issue of Les Cahiers brings together the elements of analysis and of reflection that are necessary for "understanding so as to act more appropriately."

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