The UPPER Project
The UPPER Project is a new Horizon Europe programme which brings together around fifty European partners and addresses the public transport-related innovation. It will be running for four years, from January 2023 to December 2026. The UPPER Project will put the public transport issue at the centre of the mobility ecosystem by implementing a combinaison of 84 push and pull measures, acting on the five innovation axes that condition users’ choices: mindset and culture, urban mobility planning, mobility services ecosystem, road network management and democratic governance. These measures will act on four different timescales: communication, operations, infrastructure and urban fabric. This integrated and holistic approach will ease the cooperation among authorities and operators, provide a physical and digital environment for testing measures, update the existing information management system and feed into existing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Five UPPER living labs and twinning sites will be set up. Versailles Grand Parc is one of the living labs and the lead partner of the French consortium.
The Institute Paris Region is working along with four other French partners (Versailles Grand Parc, IFPEN, Instant System and Redlab) to implement an observatory about mobility on Versailles Grand Parc's territory and to conduct tests and assessments (including MaaS) in the Versailles Grand Parc area. As one of the main contributors of the current SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan), the Institut Paris Region will participate in its revision and will ensure that the proposed push/pull measures will be integrated in the future revised SUMP. The Institut Paris Region will also be in charge of the IDF_08 measure which will aim to reduce the gap between the passengers’ perception of quality of service and measured quality of service in public transport.
The 5+5 UPPER living labs and twinning sites

UPPER demonstration sites have been selected to complement each other, addressing different challenges, urban mobility contexts and different social and geographical contexts.
Valencia living lab | Lisbon twinning site |
Rome living lab | Budapest twinning site |
Ile de France living lab | Leuven twinning site |
Oslo living lab | Thessaloniki twinning site |
Mannheim living lab | Hannover region twinning site |
Local cluster partners all across Europe
The project involves 41 local cluster partners from ten cities and regions across Europe.
Com d’agglomération Versailles Grand Parc
L'Institut Paris Region
Instant System
IFP Energies Nouvelles
UITP (Union Internationale des Transports Publics) is the worldwide PT sector association with more than 1,900 members, over 100 countries and 15 city offices across the globe.
KUL Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
POLIS Network is the leading network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport.
EUROCITIES with + 200 cities in 38 countries represents 130 million people. Being involved in the Mission Platform, Eurocities ensures synergies are created.
Stad Leuven
EPF European Passenger Federation
ECF European Cyclist Federation
ICLEI (European Secretariat GmbH) is a global network of + 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development, active in 125+ countries.
PTV Planung Transport Verkehr
Rhein Neckar Verkehr
Hannover Region
Stadt Mannheim
CERTH Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas
THETA Transport Authority of Thessaloniki
FIT Consulting
SIS Soluzioni per l ingegneria dei sistema di trasporto e l infomobilità srl
RSM Roma Servizi per la Mobilita
Roma Capitale
TTS Italia
Ruter As
Statens Vegvesen
Oslo Kommune
EIT is an EC supported platform engaging European cities, SMEs, research and education institutions, and mobility industry players (+250 partners across Europe).
Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia
Factual Consulting
EMT Valencia
UPV Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
Ayuntamiento de Valencia
Camara Municipal de Lisboa
TML – Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa
Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa
IFP (International Federation of Pedestrians) represents associations and individuals with + 40 members from all over the world, working for liveable public space and rights of pedestrians.
Read more
Find further information on the project at UPPER Project's website, here

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