CleanMobilEnergy: an Interreg North West Europe project

02 March 2020ContactFrédérique Prédali, Narjis Mimouni, Florian Tedeschi

The European Commission has approved through its Interreg NWE programme; a three and a half-year project (until March 2021) “Clean Mobility and Energy for Cities” to facilitate the uptake of low carbon technologies, products, processes and services in sectors with high energy saving potential, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in North West Europe. The €7.4 million project will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities by combining renewable energy sources, energy storage and the charging of EV's using an innovative energy management system. CleanMobilEnergy will demonstrate that decentralised energy can be used more efficiently by using storage and a web based interoperable iEMS platform to balance supply and demand peaks thus creating better business cases to make large scale role out across the NWE economically feasible.
Within this project, a renewable energy generation plant will be built in four locations across the NWE. All partners together will develop a system for distributing energy flows across storage, charging facilities and the net, with the current being traded at a favorable moment in time. CleanMobilEnergy will also investigate whether the different combinations in the diverse countries lead to an economically viable system.

EU Climate Action

The EU 2030 framework for climate and energy sets targets for cutting 40% of CO2 emissions, increasing the share of renewable energy to greater than 27% and providing at least 27% energy savings. CleanMobilEnergy will develop an integrated approach which will contribute to reaching the target for CO2-reduction as well as the share of renewables. Presently, renewable energy resources (RES) are used inefficiently. As RES production peaks and cities’ energy consumption do not coincide, RES-installations are disconnected from the grid or energy is sold at under cost price and the use of carbon intensive energy remains, resulting in high CO2 emission. CleanMobilEnergy faces this challenge and will develop an innovative power distribution system that combines production with storage and EV-charging optimizing the use of RES and reducing CO2 emissions across the NWE region.


Frédérique Prédali

Frédérique has been working in the Mobility Department of L'Institut Paris Region for 12 years after a four-year experience at Géode Conseil as transport economist. She has carried out numerous comparative studies on topics such as the financing of transport infrastructure, the supply of public transport in London and Paris, the pricing of public transport in big metropolitan areas, taxis and mobility services... She is now in charge of studies in link with energy and smart city.

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